Lebanon border

Hezbollah, Northern Israel, Metula
Is Hezbollah pushing us into WW3?!

For how long will Israel tolerate Hezbollah's escalating attacks?

| Gila Isaacson | 24.06.24

Israel At war

Surrender Plan: the Government Plans to Spend Billions on Walls and Obstacles at the Borders

The security systems and the government plan to spend billions a year on walls and checkpoints on the borders of the north and the Gaza area, apparently in light of the estimates that the war will not remove the threats.

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 01.01.24

"Ason HaShayetet"

26 years ago, today, The "Ason HaShayetet", aka Ansariya ambush, occurred

The disaster that occurred 26 years ago is the most severe disaster the navy has ever experienced. 12 soldiers found their death. In memory of the fallen, a monument was erected on the beach in Haifa

JFeed | 05.09.23