"Ason HaShayetet"

26 years ago, today, The "Ason HaShayetet", aka Ansariya ambush, occurred

The disaster that occurred 26 years ago is the most severe disaster the navy has ever experienced. 12 soldiers found their death. In memory of the fallen, a monument was erected on the beach in Haifa

(Credit: Aquazoom, Potzker.)

26 years have passed since that night between the 4th and 5th of September 1997 when 12 soldiers were killed in Lebanon. 11 of them were from the elite naval commando unit, Shayetet 13, and one more casualty from the medical rescue unit, Dr. Maher Degash. This remains the most tragic event the Navy has ever experienced.

A monument was erected on the beach of Shavei Zion in memory of the fallen. The monument is constructed from 12 solid stone tablets imported from Malta. The tablets lean against each other, facing north towards Lebanon, where the fighters ventured. At the site, there is also a rock with a bronze plaque bearing the names of the fallen.

The Missile boat model Sahar 4, was submerged in 1999 off the coast of Shavei Zion and serves as a diving site to commemorate the memory of the 12 Shayetet 13 commandos. Twelve chairs are attached to the submarine's hull, representing the number of commandos who perished. The names of the commandos are engraved on these chairs.

The fighters who perished in the disaster were:

Staff Sergeant Yochanan-Avraham Hilberg (z"l), Staff Sergeant Itamar Elia (z"l), Staff Sergeant Aryeh-Shimon Abramson (z"l), First Sergeant Guy Golan (z"l), First Sergeant Gal Rodovsky (z"l), First Sergeant Yaniv Shmiel (z"l), Captain Zvi Grosman (z"l), Staff Sergeant Raz Tebi (z"l), Captain Ram Levinas (z"l), The doctors: Captain Dr. Maher Dagash (z"l), Staff Sergeant Dr. Yitzhak-Tzachi Dr. Ben-Tov (z"l), And the operation commander, Lieutenant Colonel Yossi Korkin (z"l).


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