
Google Presents
Google presents: The new upgrades in Bard AI

Google raises a level in the competition for control of the world of artificial intelligence-based chat-bots and provides significant upgrades to its chat - Bard, including a Google search to verify the boot's answers as well as the sharing of Bard with Google's applications

JFeed | 20.09.23

Google's New Privacy Tools

Do you regret it? Google will remove your personal information from the web

Google is updating its privacy tools, and now you'll be able to receive notifications if your personal information has been posted online. Additionally, you can access a dedicated page and request the removal of images that have been uploaded without your consent

Yehuda Klein, Srugim News | 10.08.23

Google Adds New Features

New search: Google updates the mobile search

In order to maintain relevance and compete with new content search options on the web, Google is introducing significant changes to its mobile search engine that will enhance the search experience

Yehuda Klein, Srugim News | 06.08.23