Iran, Israel, Hypersonic Missiles

Calcalist: Iran's Claims of "Fully Smart" Missiles Dubious

The Israeli intelligence community is skeptical of Iran's claim to have ballistic missiles that have both high velocity and real mid-flight navigation capabilities.

Description of hypersonic missiles, which Iran has claimed to have. (Photo: BlueRingMedia/Shutterstock)

Iran announced today (Sunday) that it had recently acquired cruise missiles with a range of 1,000 km and which are capable of changing direction midflight, but Calcalist reports that there are good grounds for being skeptical of these unverifiable claims.

For starters, Iran provided the Houthis with drones meant to reach Israel but which ran out of fuel before they got past Jordan. Iran also claimed that its Fattah missile is hypersonic - capable of travelling at speeds and changing direction in ways that make it hard to intercept - a claim which the Israeli intelligence community is unanimous in rejecting.

The fact that Iran did not even claim that its current acquisition of missiles is hypersonic represents a realignment with reality, but even then, Israelis are dubious that they have more than minor mid-flight navigation capabilities, according to Calcalist.


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