Politics, Ben Gvir

Bold Israeli cabinet backs West Bank outposts amidst broiling tensions

Smotrich's controversial move signals escalating Israeli policy. 

Minister of Finance and Head of the Religious Zionist Party Bezalel Smotrich at a conference of the Israeli newspaper "Makor Rishon", in Jerusalem, June 30, 2024. (Photo: Shutterstock / Yonatan Sindel)

In a bold and contentious move, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich announced that the Israeli security cabinet has reportedly greenlit plans to legalize five West Bank outposts and impose punitive measures against the Palestinian Authority (PA). This development, as reported by Hebrew-language media outlets, marks a significant escalation in Israel's policies amidst ongoing regional tensions.

According to Smotrich, the cabinet's approval includes the legalization of outposts such as Evyatar in the northern West Bank, Sde Efraim and Givat Asaf in the central region, and Heletz and Adorayim in the southern territories. Additionally, plans were purportedly approved to issue tenders for thousands of new homes in existing settlements, a move likely to draw international scrutiny.

The announcement comes amid a critical juncture in Israeli politics, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly pausing the security cabinet session to consult with advisors. Concerns over potential fallout, particularly in relations with the United States, were cited as a reason for the delay.

While no official confirmation has been released from the government or Netanyahu's office, Smotrich's proposals also included stringent measures against the PA. These measures reportedly encompass the revocation of exit visas for PA officials, restrictions on their movements, and the transfer of enforcement responsibilities from the PA to Israeli authorities over a disputed nature preserve in the Judean desert.

The move reflects a broader strategy by right-wing factions, including those aligned with Smotrich, to assert Israeli sovereignty in disputed territories while countering what they perceive as aggressive Palestinian legal and developmental activities. This includes allegations of unauthorized construction damaging historical and environmental sites, claims vehemently contested by Palestinian authorities.

As tensions simmer and diplomatic maneuvers unfold, the United States, a key ally, prepares to resume a stalled weapons shipment to Israel. At the same time, Prime Minister Netanyahu, known for his cautious approach to such sensitive matters, faces mounting pressure to navigate a path that ensures Israel's security interests while managing its international alliances.


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