Terror, West Bank

Watch: Mob tries to lynch Israeli who drove into Qalandiya

Israeli man nearly lynched after entering West Bank town of Qalandiya.

Israeli security forces guard at the Qalandiya Checkpoint near Ramallah. (Photo by Flash90)

An Israeli man was attacked and lightly injured last night (Saturday) when he drove into the Palestinian West Bank town of Qalandiya.

According to Kann News, the 84-year-old man entered the Palestinian town to refuel his car.

Videos circulating on social media showed a mob of Palestinians chasing the car and throwing stones at it in the town. The driver tried to escape but eventually collided with a concrete barrier and was injured.

He was rescued by Palestinian security forces who brought him to a nearby IDF checkpoint, and was taken to Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek hospital with light injuries.

Later videos showed his car was torched.

Video credit: Used in accordance with Section 27A.


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