Miracle in Gaza

Miracle in Gaza: Company Saved Thanks to Afternoon Prayer

Malchiel ben Yosef, a reserve fighter, was praying minchah in the direction of Jerusalem while the rest of the fighters were facing the other direction, suddenly he saw a terrorist coming up from an unfamiliar tunnel with an RPG. Malchiel managed to alert everyone and eliminate the terrorist.

(Photo: Tomer Naumberg, Flash 90)

Rabbi Ze'evik Harel, rabbi of Ulpanat Tzvia Hafetz Chaim, tells the story of the miracle of his brother-in-law who was able to save an entire company in Gaza thanks to standing for a minchah prayer in the direction of Jerusalem.

And this is what he describes "We had a miracle! My brother-in-law, Malchiel Ben Yosef is in Gaza. Yesterday he was with his reserve company in an area that had already been cleared of terrorists and that bulldozers had destroyed the infrastructure there. They had a respite of a few minutes and everyone sat down to rest. My brother-in-law who saw the sun was setting took advantage of the respite to pray."

"There was great excitement in the company"

"He turned to pray in the direction of Jerusalem while all the soldiers were sitting with their backs to that direction. While he was in the middle of Tefilat Shmona Esreh, he suddenly saw to his surprise that a terrorist with an R.P.G. was emerging from the ground, probably from a tunnel shaft that had not been discovered. My brother-in-law had enough time to give a shout to all his friends and shoot at the terrorist. The friends joined him in firing and eliminated the the terrorist."

Harel describes the excitement of the fighters and what they took upon themselves following the miracle of the elimination. "There was great excitement in the company. The company was enthusiastic about Malchiel saving everyone and the members of the company took it upon themselves that tomorrow everyone stops to pray minchah."

"Thank God that it is good because his grace is forever" concludes Harel excitedly.


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