Israel-Gaza War

Hamas Salvo on Gaza Perimeter Injures Worker, Damages Factory

The latest salvo against the Gaza Perimeter lightly wounded a 60-year-old forklift worker in his stomach and started a fire at the factory.

Fire at factory in Eshkol Council region. (Photo: Eshkol Regional Council.)

The latest Hamas rocket salvo today (Wednesday) towards the Eshkol Regional Council on the Gaza border included one identified direct hit to a factory structure within the settlement. Firefighters are handling a fire caused by the rocket, and one worker was lightly wounded in his stomach.

MDA emergency medicine medic Aryeh Sklar said “we joined an army force which delivered a 60-year-old civilian to us who was wounded in his stomach from shrapnel while working on a forklift in the factory. The injured man told us he was wounded while trying to reach a secure area. He was fully conscious, we gave him medical treatment, and we evacuated him to the hospital in a light condition.”


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Israel-Gaza War, Unit 8200, Intelligence, IDF

Israel's alert system failed to prevent Hamas's October 7 attack - Here's why

Unraveling the oversights and consequences behind Hamas's October 7 assault.

Gila Isaacson | 09:23

Lebanon, Hezbollah

IDF strikes Khan Yunis municipality building used by Hamas as base

The IDF stated that the building contained an operational tunnel connecting to a terror tunnel and was used as an assembly location for Hamas terrorists.

Avi Woolf | 09:04

Hamas, Humanitarian Aid, Israel-Gaza War

Watch: Hamas beats Gazans who try to get to humanitarian aid (GRAPHIC) 

Viewer discretion is advised.

Gila Isaacson | 08:55

Hamas, Hostages, Israel-Gaza War

Mother of hostage Matan Angrest receives sign of life

Hostage's mother reveals disturbing video from Gaza captivity.

Gila Isaacson | 08:19

Israel-Gaza War, Hezbollah, Lebanon 

Breaking: 20 rockets launched at the north; one person seriously injured by shrapnel

Some of the communities just heard rocket alerts for the first time since October.

Gila Isaacson | 07:54

IDF, October 7, Hamas, Nukhba

Soldier accused of shooting Nukhba terrorist on Oct 7 speaks out for the first time

Repaid with possible jail time for his heroism on October 7th, Ophir says he was targeted as revenge for reporting a theft.

Gila Isaacson | 07:07

Hamas, Israel-Gaza War, IDF, Hostages

Hamas Issues New Demand in Ceasefire Negotiations

Following a visit by the Head of the Mossad to Doha, Hamas has dropped some demands and added others.

Gila Isaacson | 06.07.24

Israel-Gaza War, Hostage Deal

Clashes increasing between Netanyahu and Gallant over hostage deal

The two men running the war are increasingly at loggerheads over the details of the proposed Hamas deal.

Avi Woolf | 05.07.24

Israel-Gaza War

IDF eliminates around 100 terrorists in Shejaiya

The IDF also eliminated dozens of terrorists in Rafah and destroyed a number of booby-trapped buildings in the area.

Avi Woolf | 05.07.24

Israel-Gaza War

Watch: IDF strikes Hamas terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip

The Air Force struck some 50 targets throughout the Gaza Strip, including booby-trapped structures, terrorist squads, and launch sites.

Avi Woolf | 05.07.24

IDF, Israel-Gaza war, Hamas

IDF announces death of another brave soldier in Gaza city

IDF soldier from Ness Ziona was killed earlier today in the neighbourhood of Shejaiya in Gaza. He was killed while fighting Hamas gunmen with another soldier injured in the same incident.

Eliana Fleming | 04.07.24

Terror, explosives, West Bank Nablus

Suspicious object taken to police station - later explodes

A suspicious package found in Nablus in the West Bank was taken to a local police station where it detonated, injuring multiple officers in the incident earlier today, channel 14 reports. 

Eliana Fleming | 04.07.24