Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff

"Spread Torah"
Israel Zeira: "Spread Torah, stop apologizing"

"Rosh Yehudi" leader Israel Zeira aira describes the behind-the-scenes of the mass prayer on Yom Kippur, explains his interpretation of the word 'hadata', discusses the reactions he has received following the event, and outlines what awaits us in the celebration of Simchat Torah

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 28.09.23

The Incapacity Law

Just before the hearing at the High Court: So what exactly is the incapacity law?

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 28.09.23

Sheffi Paz Refuses to Appear for Hearings

Following selective enforcement, Sheffi Paz refuses to appear for hearings

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 26.09.23

Yom Kippur War

The engineering officer who lost both his legs: "The task was to complete the bridge"

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 22.09.23

Amiram Ben Uliel

Sorting things out: How did they convict Amiram Ben Uliel?

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 21.09.23

Rabbi Levinstein Interview

Rabbi Levinstein in a special interview: "Truth has power"

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 20.09.23

Rabbi Yigal Levinstein

Not only Rabbi Levinstein was attacked, but all of us

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 20.09.23

Conflict of Interest Among Judges

MK Kellner: A body that will check the conflict of interest among judges

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 20.09.23

Aryeh Schiff's Victory

Victory for Aryeh Schiff: He will not pay the burglar's family

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 18.09.23

Report by the Authority for Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

Millions of shekels that were laundered for the purpose of terrorism were seized in the last year

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 18.09.23

Without Authority

Levin is right: the Supreme Court acted without authority

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 14.09.23

The Legal Reform

Legal drama: a conditional order against the Minister of Justice

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 14.09.23

Free To Learn

Following the press exposure: the Torah Talmud in Bat Ain will be regulated

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 11.09.23

Two Years In Prison

Two years in prison for police officers for offenses against Palestinians

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 11.09.23

Criminal Indictments Against 35 Parents

The Gush Etzion Council filed criminal charges against parents who sent their children to Talmud Torah

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 10.09.23

"Kidnapped By Terrorists"

"I was kidnapped by terrorists in Vietnam and that's where I discovered God"

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 07.09.23

The Legal Reform

Rothman reacts to the judge's decision not to disqualify Hayut

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 07.09.23

Severe Injury and not Attempted Murder

The District Court: An Arab who tried to murder a Jew with a stone will not be convicted of attempted murder

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 07.09.23

The High Court Threatens

The High Court threatens to issue an order against the Minister of Justice

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 06.09.23

The Rescue Unit Describes the Disaster in Nahal David

The disaster in Nahal David: a member of the rescue unit describes

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 24.08.23