Israel - Gaza War

Inside UNRWA Bags: The Surprise Awaiting IDF Soldiers in Gaza

During a raid in Khan Yunis, forces discovered daggers and explosive charges hidden inside UNRWA bags. The IDF emphasizes that this activity has affected the Islamic Jihad's capabilities in the production of long-range missiles.

UNRWA Bag (Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

The IDF announced on Wednesday that during their combat operations in the western part of Khan Yunis, the combat team of the 7th Armoured Brigade raided a production facility of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organization.

During the operation, the soldiers identified and destroyed a rocket production workshop where long-range rockets, anti-tank missiles, mines, and explosive charges were manufactured, all concealed within UNRWA bags.

Means of warfare production workshop seized at the scene (Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

Furthermore, the IDF emphasizes that the forces also destroyed underground tunnels found in the compound in Khan Yunis. The activities of the forces have significantly impacted the ability of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organization to produce rockets for an extended period.

Simultaneously, the soldiers discovered numerous means of warfare, including explosive charges, Kalashnikov rifles, RPG warheads, ammunition, hand grenades, and more.

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Rocket launchers identified by the IDF fighters (Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
7th Armoured Brigade IDF Israel at war Israel-Gaza war Gaza Strip Gaza Khan Yunis UNRWA PIJ Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror tunnels Means of warfare


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