Means of warfare

Israel - Gaza War
Inside UNRWA Bags: The Surprise Awaiting IDF Soldiers in Gaza

During a raid in Khan Yunis, forces discovered daggers and explosive charges hidden inside UNRWA bags. The IDF emphasizes that this activity has affected the Islamic Jihad's capabilities in the production of long-range missiles.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 31.01.24

Israel - Gaza War

Grenades in a Children's Bag: the Fighting in Khan Yunis is Expanding

During a raid by IDF forces in Khan Yunis, weapons were found in a children's bag in one of the rooms of the building where the fighters arrived. At the same time, terrorist squads were eliminated, and trapped buildings were destroyed.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 30.12.23

Israel At War

The IDF Locating an Explosives Lab and Destroying it in an Operation in Judea and Samaria | Watch

In addition, the forces arrested Khalida Jarrar, a wanted terrorist who serves as the head of the PFLP in Judea and Samaria, along with other senior PFLP activists in the Ramallah Binyamin area.

JFeed Staff | 26.12.23