IDF, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Teror
Soldier killed, 16 injured in despicable attack by PIJ

Cpt. Alon Sacgiu (22) killed in IED, which was detonated on IDF forces who had come to rescue other troops injured by 1st IED.

Gila Isaacson, JFeed Staff | 27.06.24

Israel - Gaza War

Inside UNRWA Bags: The Surprise Awaiting IDF Soldiers in Gaza

During a raid in Khan Yunis, forces discovered daggers and explosive charges hidden inside UNRWA bags. The IDF emphasizes that this activity has affected the Islamic Jihad's capabilities in the production of long-range missiles.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 31.01.24

The Victims Of October 7

Remembering the Horrors: IDF Releases Graphic Aftermath Footage of October 7 Massacre

In a stark and unsettling footage uploaded by the IDF on YouTube, the aftermath of the October 7 massacre is laid bare. Three months after the invasion by Hamas terrorists, Israel faced its most brutal day in history, marking the deadliest incident for Jews since the Holocaust.

Abraham Gutman | 10.01.24

Israel- Gaza War

The IDF Killed the Commander of the Nukhba Company in Deir al-Balah

The Air Force forces killed Adel Msammah, the commander of Deir al-Balah's Nukhba company who commanded the terrorist forces that raided Kissufim on October 7.

JFeed Staff | 01.01.24

Terrorist Headquarters were Attacked

The fighting continues: terrorist headquarters in the Gaza Strip were attacked

The IDF targeted three military command posts of terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip. Fighter jets attacked the command posts used for coordinating terrorism and the rocket-launching organization

JFeed | 08.10.23