Israel-Gaza War, Dagestan Riots

After the Dagestan Riots: Foreign Ministry Travel Warning for the Caucusus

The National Security Council and Foreign Ministry issued a travel warning for Israelis not to travel to the Caucasus and that those present should return home.

(Photo: Spokesperson and Public Relations Department, Defense Ministry)

Due to the riots in Dagestan, the National Security Council and Foreign Ministry published a travel warning today (Monday) regarding a number of destinations in the North Caucasus region, updating that the warning level is now at its highest.

According to the statement, the warning is valid for the following destinations: the Republic of Adygea, Chechnya, Dagestan and its capital of Makhachkala, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Kalmykia, Karachay-Cherkessia, North Ossetia–Alania, Krasnodar, Stavropol with its capital Mineralnye Vody.

NSC and Foreign Ministry: Those Residing in Those Places – Need to Leave ASAP

The National Security Council and the Foreign Ministry call on Israelis to avoid going to those areas and for those residing there to leave as soon as possible. They also stated that they call on the public to look into the necessity of travelling abroad and be updated via the NSC and Foreign Ministry websites regarding updated warnings and recommendations.

The NSC and the Foreign Ministry recommend all Israelis residing abroad to show awareness, avoid protests and listen to local security forces in case of serious events.

National Security Council Ministry of Foreign Affairs Operation Swords of Iron Dagestan North Caucasus


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