In the continuation of the initial investigation into the attack carried out in Be'er Sheva and the terrorist who carried it out, new details are revealed.
According to the disclosure of the reporter for legal affairs at Kann 11 Corporation, Avishai Greenzeig, the terrorist Muhammad Said El Akabi, 29 years old from Hora in the Negev, had previously clashed with the legal system and the courts, and had a criminal record.
According to initial details revealed by the Shin Bet's investigation into the matter, El Akabi was convicted about three years ago in attempt of receiving something fraudulently. According to preliminary details, the terrorist worked as a psychometric practitioner and prepared students in the sector for the test. He was convicted after he was caught when he took a psychometric test under another person's name. The court sentenced him to only 200 hours of community service.
In addition to this, Elokbi's cousin also carried out an attack against Jews during 2015.