
Vehicle-Ramming Attack
Initial Report: Vehicle-Ramming Attack in the Jordan Valley

According to the report, a terrorist tried to carry out a vehicle-ramming attack near the village of Brosh and was killed by an officer who was there. This attack is the third attack in the last day.

| JFeed Staff | 07.01.24

Israel At War

Watch: The Terrorist Neutralized, Attempted to Fire with Found Weapon

Footage published from the Ma'ale Adumim attack shows that the terrorist managed to find a weapon at the guard post after being neutralized and tried to shoot the security guards who attacked and took the weapon from him.

JFeed Staff | 04.01.24

Israel At War, Shooting Attack

Shooting Attack in  Binyamin: Israeli Injured near the Settlement of  Ateret

Shooting attack in Binyamin. A terrorist opened fire at an Israeli vehicle at the Rawavi intersection. The vehicle continued to be treated at the entrance to Ateret. An Israeli was moderately injured. The terrorist fled to Bir Zeit.

| Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 18.12.23

Terrorist Caught

Attack in Rantis: IDF Caught the Terrorist

IDF forces caught the terrorist who carried out the attack at the gas station near the village of Rantis in Samaria where an IDF officer was moderately wounded.

| JFeed Staff | 17.12.23

Israel - Gaza war

Documentation: 70 Hamas Terrorists Left the Hospital and Surrendered

The IDF forces operated in the Kamal Adwan hospital, where several terrorists were killed in encounters. More than 70 Hamas terrorists left the hospital and surrendered, also surrendering weapons and ammunition.

JFeed Staff | 14.12.23

Terrorist Transferred to Military Facility

Terrorist Hospitalized in Israel Transferred to Military Facility

After it was published that a Hamas terrorist who fought and was wounded in the Gaza Strip was hospitalized in Israel, the HaSharon Hospital updated that the terrorist was transferred to a military facility.

| JFeed Staff | 13.12.23

Israel At War

A Hamas Terrorist who was Wounded in Battle is Hospitalized in Israel

A Hamas terrorist who took part in last night's (Tuesday) battles in the Gaza Strip in which 9 IDF soldiers were killed was hospitalized in the HaSharon Hospital. The IDF has not yet responded to the details.

JFeed Staff | 13.12.23

"Waste of Ammunition"

Amit Segal on the IDF Spokesman's Decision: "Waste of Ammunition"

The political commentator Amit Segal refers to the publication of the tape of the terrorist who is proud of the massacre he carried out on the residents of the Gaza Strip envelope, and says that the way the tape was published is a big mistake.

JFeed | 25.10.23

A Hamas Terrorist Reveals

A Hamas Terrorist Revealed where Haniya and Mashal are. Watch

A Hamas terrorist revealed during his interrogation the mission assigned to him and disclosed the whereabouts of the organization's leaders, Ismail Haniyeh and Khaled Mashal, stating, "They are there while our families are being bombed in Gaza."

JFeed | 22.10.23

Terrorists Treated in the Hospitals

Disrespect for the Murdered: Terrorists are Treated in the Hospitals

Disturbing: Several Hamas terrorists were admitted to one of the hospitals in the country. In response to the reports, Health Minister Moshe Arbel said: "The entity responsible for transferring them is the IDF."

JFeed | 11.10.23

Stabbing Attack in Jerusalem

Documented: the moments of the attack in Jerusalem. Watch

Sergeant E. - the policeman who was stabbed in the vest and neutralized the terrorist by force - recounted the moments of the stabbing attack, and explains why he didn't shoot the terrorist. Watch the documentation of the attack

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 05.09.23

Family of the Terrorist - Arrested

The IDF arrested the family of the terrorist from the Hawara attack

IDF forces entered the village of Akraba today and arrested the father and brother of the terrorist who murdered the late Shai and Aviad Nigarkar in Hawara about a week ago. The terrorist has not yet been caught

JFeed | 27.08.23

Following Yesterday's Attack

Pursuit after the assailant from Huwara: Two suspects have been arrested

Security forces continue the pursuit after the assailant from the attack in Huwara, and last night, two suspects were arrested for involvement. Palestinian media reports that checkpoints were set up in nearby villages and searches were conducted

JFeed | 20.08.23

Two Terrorists Killed

Two Palestinian terrorists were killed during an operation in Jericho

The security forces arrested a suspect in the Aqbat Jaber refugee camp near Jericho and then left the refugee camp. During the activity, exchanges of fire developed between the forces and the terrorists

JFeed | 15.08.23