IDF war in Gaza, Israel-Hamas war

IDF in crisis situation: record number of officers request retirement

Over recent months there has been a dramatic increase in the number of IDF officers seeking to retire from service, according to Channel 12 reports.

IDF soldiers finish officer course (Photo: Kobi Gideon/flash90)

The IDF is facing a critical situation with a notable increase in officers seeking early retirement. Since the start of the conflict, approximately 900 officers holding the ranks of captain and lieutenant colonel have requested contract reviews. In a typical year, between 100 and 120 officers in these ranks choose to retire, this year it is far beyond that.

The reasons behind this surge in requested retirements include factors such as events related to October 7 and perceptions of the army losing value.

Recent months have highlighted a growing crisis within the officer command ranks, specifically among captains and majors, who have opted to leave since the conflict began. This departure stems from feelings of inadequate recognition and appreciation within the public sphere.

These officers, typically in their late twenties, are at a crossroads in deciding whether to commit to a long-term military career spanning 15 to 20 years. The number of officers retiring from these ranks has significantly exceeded typical figures, with numbers hitting just bellow 900 requests according to IDF officials, underscoring the severity of the issue.

The crisis has multiple contributing factors, with events related to October 7 being a prominent concern. Officers express a sense of dissatisfaction with the perceived lack of acknowledgment and feel that the army is being delegitimized by sections of the public and certain politicians. The army's current challenge lies in retaining these valuable personnel within its ranks.

IDF October 7th Reserves Officer Israel at war Operation Swords of Iron


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