UN Report, Israel-Gaza War

Hamas and Israel both committed war crimes, according to UN: more details

The UN report stated that both sides had committed serious war crimes since October 7th. With reports covering various cases of 'human rights abuse' by Hamas on October 7th, and by Israel in its Gaza attack.

UN Flag. (Photo: QubixStudio/Shutterstock)

During the attack on October 7 and the subsequent military operations, both Israeli authorities and Palestinian armed groups committed war crimes and crimes against humanity, according to a new UN-independent human rights body report.

The Independent International Commission of Inquiry concluded this statement on Wednesday with the Commission emphasizing the impact on women and children, saying, "Amid months of losses and despair, retribution and atrocities, the only tangible result has been compounding the immense suffering of both Palestinians and Israelis, with civilians, yet again, bearing the brunt of decisions by those in power."

The UN reports draw parallel between serious crimes during Hamas October 7th attack and Israel’s subsequent offensive in Gaza. Stating that both Israel and Hamas are guilty of Human Rights violations. The commission added that serious crimes had been committed by both sides of the conflict. Such crimes by Hamas included killing, torture, sexual violence, and systematic kidnapping. Yet Israel was also accused regarding its conduct during the war and its 'disproportionate use of force.'

UN Israel-Gaza war Hamas Israel at war Gaza


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