Social Media, Antisemitism, Israel Advocacy

How Israel's Army of Influencers shapes global narrative

Israel's social media influencers are guarding Israel's narrative in a world increasingly shaped by digital discourse 

People watching video live streamings (Photo: Shutterstock /

In the heart of New York City, a new kind of warrior is being forged. They wield smartphones instead of swords, and their battleground is the endless scroll of social media feeds. These are Israel's digital defenders, a network of influencers who have taken up the mantle of fighting for Israel's image in the court of public opinion.

More than 300 of these social media titans gathered recently for "Voices for Truth," a groundbreaking conference that marks a new chapter in Israel's public diplomacy efforts. With a combined following of 130 million, these influencers represent a formidable force in the ongoing information war.

"They are the Iron Dome of the State of Israel on social media, intercepting fake news," declares Foreign Minister Israel Katz, the architect behind this innovative strategy.

Among them is Ariel Rebeka Martin, known to her 48 million followers as "Baby Ariel." Once a darling of the entertainment world, she now finds herself on the front lines of a different kind of struggle. "After October 7, everything changed for me," she says, her voice tinged with the weight of recent events. "I realized that after 20 years of brainwashing on social media and campuses - we must do something."

Ariel Martin, aka Baby Ariel at the "Velvet Buzzsaw" Los Angeles Premiere Screening (Photo: Shutterstock / Kathy Hutchins)

The price of their advocacy is steep. Death threats have become a daily occurrence for many. Followers abandon them in droves. Yet they persist, driven by a love for Israel that transcends the metrics of likes and shares.Baby Ariel's experience is a testament to this dedication. "I lost followers who only loved me for superficial reasons," she admits. But in their place, she's found a community united in purpose. "I gained Jewish, Israeli followers and allies of Israel and the Jewish world."

The challenges they face are daunting. Years of misinformation have created a digital landscape hostile to Israel's narrative. "The narrative about Israel on social media is terrible," Baby Ariel laments. "People have been brainwashed for 20 years, and you can't change an opinion in a 20-second video."

Yet with every post, every video, these digital defenders chip away at the wall of misconception.

They are the new face of Israel's struggle for understanding in a world where battles are increasingly won and lost in the court of public opinion.

As the conference concludes, these influencers will return to their digital trenches, where –in the age of information warfare– they may well be Israel's most crucial line of defense.

* Ynet contributed to this article.


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IDF, Israel-Gaza war, Hamas

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Israel-Hamas war, Gaza, IDF

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