Security Coordinators, Ravshatzim, IDF, Ministry of Finance

At long last: Great news for Israel's security coordinators

Increased funding and new training programs for Israel's Security Coordinators have been approved.

Security directors from around Israel, (AKA Ravshatzim) protest against work conditions outside Hakirya base, in Tel Aviv on November 21, 2023. (Photo by Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90)

Many of us had never heard the word Ravshatz before the Hamas massacre of October 7. But the word has since become synonymous with both heroism and humility.

So just what is a ravshatz? The word ravshatz refers to a security coordinator, who liaises with the local IDF presence to keep the inhabitants of the settlement safe. And after the otherworldly courage, bravery and heroism displayed by ravshatzim all through the Gaza envelope on October 7th, we all saw just how critical of a role they play.

But it took years of advocacy until the Israeli Ministry of Defense finally announced a major improvement in the employment conditions of security coordinators (Ravshatzim) across the country.

Key points of the announcement include:

1. Large salary increases for security coordinators

2. Additional positions to be created

3. Funding for advanced combat equipment

4. New training and exercise programs to maintain competence

5. Issuance of official certificates and authorizations

This funding increase was approved despite opposition from the Ministry of Finance to employing these coordinators as civilian IDF employees. The decision aims to address longstanding concerns about working conditions and equipment shortages in various settlements.

The announcement also follows a recent IDF decision to adjust the deployment of emergency squad members in some northern settlements not directly on the border. While reducing active reserve duty for some, the IDF emphasizes that all squad members will retain their personal equipment for rapid response when needed.

These changes are part of a broader regional defense strategy that includes various protection systems and ongoing IDF activities in the area.

The improved conditions for security coordinators are seen as recognition of their critical role in safeguarding communities, particularly highlighted during recent security events.

* Kann News contributed to this article.


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