Weapons of Hamas

Wired Schoolbag: These are the Weapons of Hamas that have been Located

The soldiers of Yahalom (the combat engineering unit of the IDF) located the wired schoolbag carried by Hamas terrorists in the attack against Israel on October 7th, which contained explosive materials weighing 7 kg. Watch the footage.

(Photo: IDF spokesman)

The IDF released footage this evening (Sunday) of the combat equipment of Hamas terrorists left in Israeli territory after the battles that took place in the south on October 7th, which was collected by the Yahalom unit.

According to an IDF spokesperson, as part of Yahalom unit's operations in the Kisufim area, soldiers found a school backpack that was carried by terrorists during an attack. After examining the backpack, the soldiers discovered that it contained remote-controlled explosive devices and a 7-kilogram explosive charge, all concealed within the innocent-looking school backpack.

Click here
(Photo: IDF spokesman)

It is further stated that as part of its operational activity, the unit collected more than 1,000 various types of firearms, about 2,000 grenades, approximately 1,000 RPG rockets of various types, and around 1,200 explosive charges of different kinds. Some of the combat equipment that was collected in the area was detonated in a controlled manner.

Weapons Hamas Yahalom schoolbag Israel-Gaza war


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