Samaria Car Robbery, Elderly Killed

Update: 70-Year-Old killed after car robbery by Arabs in Samaria

Medics fought for the life of the elderly man rushed to the Eliyahu Crossing near Qalqilya but were unable to save him. 

IDF near Qalqilya (Photo: Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90)

According to Arutz 7, the 70-year-old man who entered Qalqilya in Samaria, and was the vicitim of a violent car robbery, was pronounced dead at Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba.

The Palestinians who stole his car left him on the side of the road. The incident is defined as criminal, no injuries were found on his body

Following the incident, IDF forces entered Qalqilya to conduct searches. Violence erupted in the city, including stone throwing. The forces responded with gunfire, and a Palestinian was reported injured.

A person who saw the deceased took him to the Eliyahu Crossing, where he was treated by a medical team. After CPR, MDA teams evacuated him with difficulty to Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba. The hospital said that the doctors fought for his life, but he could not be saved.

Judea and Samaria Qalqilya


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