World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2024

WEF Annual Meeting At Davos 2024
The Heritage Foundation President Challenges Davos Elites in Blunt Speech

In a scorching address at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2024 in Davos, Heritage Foundation President, Dr. Kevin Roberts, fearlessly confronted globalist elites, delivering a clear message that Americans will not tolerate a woke agenda that erodes self-governance and liberty.

Abraham Gutman | 22.01.24

WEF, Davos 2024, Javier Milei

Watch: Argentina President Javier Milei Addresses The World Economic Forum at Davos 2024

Abraham Gutman | 17.01.24

WEF, Davos Meetings 2024

Davos Meetings: Unveiling Global Elitism in the Shadows

Abraham Gutman | 16.01.24