Tunnels Barrier

Israel - Hamas War
Among the Terrorists in the Attack: The Son of the Leader of the Hamas Army in Hebron

The Shin Bet published the identity of the terrorists who carried out the shooting attack at the Tunnels Barrier, among them the son of Abdullah Qawasma, the head of the military wing of Hamas in Hebron who was eliminated in 2003.

JFeed | 16.11.23

Documentation Of The Attack 

The Terrorists Opened Fire at the Checkpoint: Documentation of the Attack

Special documentation from the moments of the attack at the Tunnels Barrier by Jerusalem. In the video, you can hear the moments of panic with cries of "Shema Yisrael" among the bus passengers staying near the scene. The assessment: They planned to carry out an attack in Jerusalem.

JFeed | 16.11.23

Israel At War

The Terrorists Arrived in a Car and Shot: New Details About the Attack

The attack at the Tunnels Barrier: 3 terrorists arrived in a vehicle from the direction of Judea and Samaria, and opened fire on the security forces, who returned fire and neutralized them. The axis is closed to vehicular traffic, until the end of treatment at the scene.

JFeed | 16.11.23

A Shooting Attack In Jerusalem

6 Wounded in a Shooting Attack in Jerusalem; One of Them is in Critical Condition

Six people were injured in a shooting attack at the Tunnels Barrier in Jerusalem, one of them is in critical condition. Initial reports indicate that 3 terrorists were killed

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 16.11.23