If you will

Protest Against the Protester
"Dangerous to the public": protest against the protester from Jerusalem

A number of activists from the right-wing organization 'Im Tirtzu' demonstrated in front of the home of Dan Aharonson, the protester who smashed the windshield of the car belonging to a mother and her daughters during the protests in Jerusalem. According to them: "This is a dangerous individual who needs to be imprisoned"

Liran Vainshtain, Srugim News | 21.08.23

'If You Will' Joins the Argument

Friend of the Court: 'If You Will' filed a petition to join the hearing

After submitting the petition to the High Court against the reduction of the Clause of Reasonability and the joining of many protest organizations to the petition, the 'If You Will' movement submitted a request to join the hearing as a 'friend of the court'

JFeed | 20.08.23