The Arab affairs commentator on 'I24 News', Zvi Yehezkeli, addressed the ceasefire agreement in the north and said: "Resolution 1701 brought us to this war and we are going to return to the same framework. Why can't the line of villages that the soldiers are clearing be a buffer zone? Remember what I'm saying, the day this agreement is signed, they will raise Hezbollah and Iran flags at the border and say 'We won.'"
He also said: "Whatever they offer you, first say no." Why do we need to say yes? Our foot is on their neck, and winter is starting in Dahia, people there are in tents. "Fry them now and get a better deal."
In conclusion, he said: "We are at a point very close to Hezbollah's decision. Why do it in the spirit of Biden and Hochstein? It's an agreement of quiet for quiet where you have no achievements, the use of force clause was there before too, and we didn't use it."