Hili Tropper

Religious Minister: "It is More Urgent to Release Hostages than to Eliminate Hamas"

Minister Hili Tropper from the National Unity party, says that it is more urgent to return the abductees than to collapse the Hamas regime: "It is not certain that there will be anyone to return."

JFeed Staff | 26.12.23

"We Will Sit And Talk"

The initiative of the members of the coalition and the opposition: "We will sit and talk"

Members of Knesset Michal Woldiger and Hili Tropper are initiating a joint event during Sukkot, with the aim of holding a joint dialogue on unity: "Amidst the terrible polarization, we seek to create an opportunity for dialogue"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 27.09.23

Tropper Condemns

Tropper condemns: 'There is no justification for the offensive behavior'

MK Hili Tropper condemned the protesters who attacked the prayer in Dizengoff Square and clarified that "there is no justification in the world for the offensive behavior towards the worshipers. I am a partner in the fight against extremists, but if it is a fight against everything Jewish - I am not there"

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 26.09.23

Hili Tropper

Tropper calls the protestors: "Stop polluting the discourse"

MK Hili Tropper responded to the criticism from the protestors of the condemnations of the violence against Rabbi Levinstein, and clarified that "I share the demand from the coalition members to stop polluting the discourse and tearing the people apart, but I try to apply this demand to myself first."

JFeed | 20.09.23