Golani Brigade

Israel - Gaza War
Elimination of Attackers Involved in Planting Explosives

Soldiers who identified Hamas terrorists hiding explosive charges near the forces directed an aircraft that bombed the terrorists from the air and neutralized them.

JFeed Staff | 27.01.24

Israel - Gaza War

IDF Nahal Brigade Forces Destroy Iranian Weaponry in Tuffah, Gaza | Watch

Soldiers of the Nahal Brigade's combat team uncovered a missile production site, built with Iranian guidance, at Daraj-Tuffah.

JFeed Staff | 07.01.24

The Golani Brigade

Watch the Training: The Golani Brigade Moves from Defense to Attack

The Golani Brigade, which suffered 70 casualties in the Hamas terror attack, has reorganized and is now training for entry into Gaza. "We will train, prepare, and study the enemy - only that way will we win."

JFeed | 25.10.23

Israel-Gaza War

Netanyahu to Soldiers in the South: We Are Going to Win

The Prime Minister met with Golani soldiers at an assembly area near Gaza: "The whole people of Israel is behind you."

JFeed | 19.10.23