Lebanon, Iran, Hezbollah, Beirut, Israel

Covert weapons cache discovered in Beirut airport 

Leaked reports reveal Hezbollah's alleged Iranian weapons cache at Beirut Airport.

Rafic Hariri International Airport in Beirut (Photo: Shutterstock / Paul Saad)

In yet another concerning development, the Sunday Telegraph has reported that Hezbollah is allegedly storing a significant cache of Iranian weapons at Beirut's main civilian airport. This information, provided by anonymous sources, suggests a potential escalation in the region's already fragile security situation.

As reported by Kann News, according to the informants, the stockpile includes a range of weaponry from short and long-range missiles to anti-tank missiles and Burkan rockets. One source described the arrival of "large, mysterious boxes" on direct flights from Iran, interpreting this as a sign of deteriorating conditions.

The report raises alarms about the dual use of civilian infrastructure for military purposes, a tactic that could put Lebanon's primary international gateway at risk. As one informant noted, "If the airport is hit - Lebanon will be finished."

Hezbollah's alleged actions at the airport are not new, with sources claiming the group has used the facility for transfers "for years."

In this context, Al-Mayadeen, a channel associated with Hezbollah, has issued a stark warning. The outlet stated that Beirut is a "red line" for the organization, suggesting that any attack on the city would provoke a severe response and potentially trigger a broader conflict.

Further complicating matters, reports from the Associated Press indicate that pro-Iranian militias across the Middle East are prepared to support Hezbollah in the event of an escalation. A militia source claimed that some Iraqi advisors are already present in Lebanon, ready to "fight shoulder to shoulder with Hezbollah" if necessary.

At a time of increased regional tensions, the role of Beirut's airport in this geopolitical landscape remains a critical point of focus, with potential implications for regional security and international air travel.


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