Hezbollah, Lebanon, IDF

At least 100,000 Hezbollah fighters armed and ready as tensions on the Israeli-Lebanon border escalate.

Israel and Lebanon on high alert, as impending war looks like a real possibility. 

Yellow Hezbollah flags, 2023. (Photo by Shutterstock/ Mohammad Kassir)

As tensions escalate along Israel's northern frontier, the Lebanon-based militant group Hezbollah has amassed a formidable military force that poses a significant challenge to regional stability. Recent intelligence assessments paint a concerning picture of the organization's capabilities, suggesting that Hezbollah's strength far exceeds previous estimates.

As reported by Israel HaYom, while Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah claimed in a recent speech that the group's force stands at around 100,000 members, experts believe the actual numbers could be substantially higher. This force includes not only active militants but also a considerable reserve component, creating what amounts to a full-fledged army on Israel's doorstep.

The group's arsenal is particularly alarming. According to the Alma Research Institute, which specializes in the northern arena, Hezbollah possesses tens of thousands of short-range rockets and missiles. More worryingly, the organization is believed to have acquired thousands of precision-guided munitions, significantly enhancing its strike capabilities.

Tal Beeri, head of research at the Alma Institute, highlights the evolving nature of Hezbollah's weaponry: "The accuracy potential quickly shifted to Grads and Falaq missiles. What's particularly worrying is the short-range issue - which comprises 65,000 rockets and missiles." In total, including long-range projectiles, Hezbollah's arsenal is estimated at a staggering 250,000 munitions.

The group's elite Radwan force, numbering around 2,500 fighters, adds another layer of complexity to the situation. Despite recent Israeli operations pushing these units further from the border, Nasrallah maintains they still possess the capability to launch incursions into Israeli territory.

Adding to these concerns are reports of potential reinforcements from pro-Iranian militias in Iraq, should a full-scale conflict erupt.

With Hezbollah's military buildup showing no signs of slowing, the international community watches closely, aware that any miscalculation could have far-reaching consequences for regional stability.


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