Killed Abductees, New Details

The 'Help' Cry and a White Flag: New Details About the Killing of the Abductees

According to a preliminary investigation, a fighter recognized three figures in one of the buildings and suspected that it was a terrorist squad trying to draw the forces into an ambush; The IDF is sharpening guidelines to prevent similar cases.

The fighters in Gaza (IDF spokesman)

During the fighting in Shejaiya, three hostages who were suspected of being terrorists were killed by IDF fighters. The three hostages who were killed are Yotam Haim, Samer Talalka and Alon Shamriz. The Southern Command explains that the fighting zone in the city is full of terrorists who come in civilian clothes and try to draw the forces into an ambush.

The fighters are highly aware of the attempted attacks, which is why the abductees were also suspected of another attempt to attack IDF soldiers. According to a preliminary investigation, the three abductees came out of a building that was a few tens of meters from the building where the fighters were. One of the soldiers who recognized the abductees, leaving shirtless with a white cloth, suspected that it was a terrorist squad and fired at them. Two were killed immediately from the shooting and one was injured.

After the shooting, a cry of 'help' was heard in Hebrew, following which the battalion commander on the spot ordered silence, but when the wounded abductee started to leave the building, another shot was fired at him. The IDF states that the two shootings are contrary to the opening fire instructions.

The IDF is sharpening instructions for soldiers to prevent similar incidents

Following the initial investigation in the IDF, procedures are being refined to prevent the recurrence of another case and a lesson sheet was distributed to the forces in the field according to which there is a possibility that abductees were abandoned or escaped, and the soldiers should be alert to this and pay attention to telltale signs such as speaking in Hebrew, raising hands, clothing. A refresher was also carried out and sharpened of the opening fire instructions for all forces.

The IDF says that they are still in the process of ascertaining the facts. And that it should be remembered that the forces in the field were on alert for a pull-out attack. The Chief of Staff arrived at the Southern Command and was presented with preliminary findings from the investigation.

A senior official says that hundreds of meters from the incident, a building was located on which there were inscriptions "SOS" and another sign with the inscription "Help 3 Abductees". After identifying the structure, the fighters on the spot feared that it was a booby-trapped structure, and now it is being investigated whether there is a connection between the two incidents.


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