Israel-Gaza War, Documentation

"Throw a Grenade": Documentation from the Battles Against Hamas Terrorists

The fighters of the 'Harel' reserve brigade raided the Al-Karman area in the Gaza Strip, when they went into battle the commander called out: "This is our hour, we have a great privilege to join the ranks of the guardians of the walls."

(Credit: IDF spokesman)

The IDF forces continue the fighting against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The fighters of the "Harel" reserve brigade raided the Al-Karman area in the Gaza Strip, during the raid the forces encountered battles with terrorists and destroyed terrorist infrastructure.

Documentation from the battles (IDF spokesman)

During the raid on the Al-Karman area between Beit Hanoun and Jabaliya, terrorist infrastructures were located, including long-range launchers aimed at Israel, anti-tank launchers, tunnel shafts and observation posts of the terrorist organization Hamas. All the infrastructure was destroyed.

From the words of the commander of the Harel Brigade, Lt. Col. Itamar Michaeli, when the troops left for the raid on the Al-Karman area: "From the battles of independence in 1948 to the battles of independence today, we are pushed by our big brothers Jimmy, Poza, Rabin, Raful, Uri Ben Ari, and many other great people. Now is our hour, we have a great privilege to join the ranks of the guardians of the walls, to protect our families and our dear country. We will return to our home only after we finish our job and the reality of the lives of the residents of the south will change."


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