Israel At War

The Terrorists Arrived in a Car and Shot: New Details About the Attack

The attack at the Tunnels Barrier: 3 terrorists arrived in a vehicle from the direction of Judea and Samaria, and opened fire on the security forces, who returned fire and neutralized them. The axis is closed to vehicular traffic, until the end of treatment at the scene.

The scene of the attack (Photo: Police Spokesperson)

The Israel Police released the details of the shooting attack that took place today (Thursday) at the tunnel checkpoint near Jerusalem. The terrorists arrived in a vehicle from Judea and Samaria and opened fire at the security forces. As a result of the incident, 7 people were injured in various degrees of injury, including one in a very serious condition. The three terrorists were injured and 3 terrorists were neutralized by the security forces operating at the checkpoint.

After the neutralization, large forces of police, Border Police, and IDF work to scan the area and carry out supplementary operations at the scene of the attack, saboteurs from the Jerusalem district are working at the scene, and the road is closed to vehicles traffic, until the end of treatment at the scene of the attack. Jerusalem District Commander Superintendent Doron Turgeman arrived at the scene and held an initial situation assessment with the commanders.

The weapons seized at the scene (Photo: Police Spokesperson)

"4 wounded from the shooting were lying at the scene"

MDA emergency medic Benjamin Rosens and paramedics Ronen Yamini and Ahab Aliyan said: "We quickly arrived at the scene and saw 4 gunshot's wounded lying there, one of them a young man about 20 years old was unconscious with gunshot wounds at his upper body, we gave him medical treatment and urgently evacuated him to the hospital Shaare Zedek when on the way we fight for his life.

They added: "3 more wounded were treated at the same time, a 20-year-old young woman and a 32-year-old man suffered from gunshot wounds to their limbs. They were fully conscious and their condition was defined as moderate. We evacuated 2 more wounded in a minor condition. In addition, we also treated several anxiety victims."

Israel at war Tunnels Barrier Jerusalem terrorists shooting attack Israel Police MDA


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