A Shooting Attack in the Jordan Valley Occurred

A shooting attack in the Jordan Valley between Hamra Junction and Beka'ot

After the attack in Ma'ale Adumim, another attack occurred when a terrorist fired towards a car. One woman was lightly injured from shrapnel. The road in the area is blocked for traffic

The scene of the attack, archive (Photo: Hillel Meir, Flash 90)

After last night's (Tuesday) attack in Ma'ale Adumim, another shooting attack occurred today at noon in the Jordan Valley area, near the Hamra junction, where members of the Dee family were murdered. Several people were injured from shock, and there was damage to a vehicle. A 31-year-old woman was lightly injured from shrapnel.

An announcement from the IDF stated: "A shooting attack was reported near the Hamra Junction in the Jordan Valley and the Bik'ah region. IDF forces are conducting a search in the area for suspects." There are no casualties reported. Apparently, the bullets hit a vehicle. There are people at the scene suffering from shock. Following the attack, Highway 57 between the Hamra Junction and the Bekaot Junction is closed to traffic.

The vehicle from the attack (Photo: Kol Ha'Olam News)

Following the initial report by the IDF, it has been updated that the attack occurred from a passing vehicle shooting. An Israeli civilian was lightly injured as a result of the gunshot shrapnel, and there are several bullet impacts on a vehicle. IDF forces have initiated a pursuit of the assailants.

In the area where the shooting attack was carried out, the members of the Dee family were murdered

Magen David Adom (MDA) Spokesperson: "At 12:34, a report was received at MDA's 101 emergency center in the Gilboa region about shooting towards a vehicle from Hamra Junction to Bekaot Junction. MDA paramedics are providing medical treatment on-site to a 31-year-old woman in mild condition and fully conscious, who sustained facial injuries from gunshot shrapnel."

Senior paramedic at MDA, Yonatan Shanbai stated: "When we arrived at the scene, we saw the vehicle with signs of gunfire. Inside the car, there were 4 passengers, a man, a woman, and 2 children aged 9 and 6. Miraculously, only one passenger, a 31-year-old woman, was lightly injured from glass shrapnel. We provided her with medical treatment on-site and then evacuated her to the hospital."

The injured woman arrived at the hospital

From Hadassah Medical Center, it was reported: "The 32-year-old woman injured in the attack in the Jordan Valley was transferred to the trauma unit at Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital. She sustained a shrapnel wound to the face, fully conscious, and her condition is defined as mild."

It should be noted that the area where the attack took place is the same area where in last April, the Dee family daughters - Maya and Rina - were murdered, along with their mother Lucy HY"D, after the terrorists' car passed by them and opened fire. As seen in a video that was published, the terrorist's car was driving on the road, passed the Israeli vehicle, and then stopped - at which point the terrorist fired towards the mother and her daughters, leading to the car crashing on the side of the road. Afterward, the car made a U-turn in the middle of the road and drove back in the direction from which it came.

Jordan Valley Hamra Junction shooting attack


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