Following the threat of Charedi minister and leader Yitzhak Goldknopf to not approve the 2025 budget and thus bring down the government if a draft law exempting Charedim from IDF service is not passed, Finance Minister Betzalel Smotrich hit back.
Smotrich said that "service in the IDF is an obligation, a privilege, and a mitzvah. It is certainly not a problem. The ignoring of this obligation by some of our Haredi brothers, whatever their reasons and fears, during wartime and in general, is an injustice which requires wholesale correction. We are now in historic times in this matter which will allow us to make this correction and so it will be, with God's help and with determination."
He then said "I emphatically reject efforts to present an irresponsible ultimatum for approving the state budget needed for the war and the stability of the economy."