Wounded IDF Soldier, Israel-Gaza War

Heart-wrenching: What a severely-wounded soldier asked his rabbi in the hospital

"These are our righteous people, I have never been asked such questions." Rabbi Weiss said excitedly

(Photo: ChameleonsEye/ Shutterstock)

Rabbi Asher Weiss shared today (Wednesday) the chilling questions asked by a 20-year-old soldier, a Yeshiva student, who was seriously injured in the war, losing both his legs, his right arm, and was left with an injured left hand, as reported by Channel 14 News.

"I have never been asked such questions Rabbi Weiss said, "I cried." The first question the young soldier asked the rabbi was: "Where do I put my tefillin now? [phylacteries are normally put on the left arm every morning - ed.] On my right arm? But my right arm was amputated below the elbow. Is this considered my weaker hand?

The soldier continued and asked the rabbi about the ritual ablutions before eating bread: "I use my left hand to eat, but I am sometimes able to use what is left of my right arm." Should I also wash my right arm?"

The third question he asked was about the Sukkot holiday, the Festival of Booths: "I hope I will receive my prosthesis by the Sukkot. Then what will I do with the lulav [palm frond] and the etrog [citron]?" How can I hold them?”

The last question, which brought the rabbi to tears, had to do with the blessing of Shehecheyanu [prayer to celebrate special occasions or for new and unusual experiences or possessions] "When I receive my prosthetic hand, when should I say the Shehecheyanu blessing? When I receive it or when I use it?” Rabbi Weiss admitted that he had never been asked such questions.

"These are our righteous people," concluded Rabbi Weiss. "A 20-year-old boy who was left without legs and without a right hand, and these are the questions that most concern him."

Israel-Gaza war Wounded


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