Iran, Hezbollah Lebanon war

Iran threatens to 'obliterate' Israel if war breaks out with Hezbollah 

With tensions rising in the Northern region, Iran has made a clear warning to Israel that if it pursues an offensive against Hezbollah in Lebanon, it will be destroyed. 

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah (photo: mohammad kassir/shutterstock)

The Israeli foreign minister believes Iran's threats justify the need for its destruction, recent news outlets report. The Israeli Foreign Minister, Israel Katz, stated on Saturday (Jun 29) that Iran's threat of an "obliterating war" justified the need for its destruction.

Katz stated on X that a regime which poses a threat of destruction should be eliminated. He also mentioned that Israel will take strong action against Iran-supported Hezbollah if it continues to attack Israel from Lebanon and doesn't retreat from the border. Iran's UN delegation warned that an all-out war would result if Israel engages in a "full-scale military aggression" in Lebanon.

The Iranian mission also stated on X, previously referred to as Twitter, that in case of such a situation, "all possibilities, including the complete participation of all resistance groups, are being considered." Iran warns of a 'devastating war' in response to any Israeli aggression against Lebanon.

Israeli-Hezbollah tensions have led to US diplomatic efforts to avoid a large-scale war in the region yet US intelligence have predicted a war to break out within weeks if an agreement is not reached.

Iran's UN mission called Israel's threats of military action in Lebanon "psychological warfare," warning of a potential devastating war if Israel carries out full-scale military aggression. Iranian officials stated that every choice, such as the complete participation of all Resistance Fronts, is being considered, mentioning the coalition of armed organizations supported by Iran, which includes Hezbollah, Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Yemen's Houthis, and Iraqi Shiite militias, as reported by politico news sources.

The dangers posed by Iran followed former Israeli war cabinet member Benny Gantz's statement on Tuesday: "We have the capability to completely black out Lebanon and dismantle Hezbollah's strength within days."

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant cautioned on Thursday that the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) have the capability to severely impact Lebanon's infrastructure. However, he emphasized during a visit to Washington that Israel seeks to avoid conflict because it is not beneficial for the country.

Iran Northern border Hezbollah Israel at war Lebanon Israel Israel Katz


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