Hamas, IDF, Intelligence, Israel-Gaza War

Report: We had all the intelligence we needed to prevent October 7th.

There were signs ahead of the attack that should have “lit up all the red lights!” 

The aftermath of Hamas' attack on Be'eri, the Israeli kibbutz on the border on October (Photo: Shutterstock / Roman Yanushevsky)

An investigation by the IDF Military Intelligence Directorate into the devastating October 7 Hamas attack has revealed that sufficient intelligence was available beforehand to prevent the tragedy, Israeli TV reported.

The initial findings, shared with Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi on Monday night, left many insiders deeply frustrated over the missed signals that should have set off alarm bells. “We’ve mobilized various fronts in the past on less than this,” sources familiar with the probe remarked.

Presented at a high-level meeting, the investigation's details were tightly guarded, with attendees signing non-disclosure agreements and agreeing to polygraph tests. The report covered assessments from the March 2018 Gaza border riots up to the events of October 6 and 7, detailing what each IDF element knew, shared, and acted upon.

Despite the thoroughness of the probe, some speculate that Lt. Gen. Halevi might push for a more comprehensive investigation, led by incoming IDF intelligence chief Maj. Gen. Shlomi Binder, especially given existing tensions with outgoing intelligence chief Maj. Gen. Aharon Haliva.

In March, the IDF had rolled out protocols for internal investigations to draw operational conclusions, steering clear of scrutinizing political leadership to avoid clashes with government leaders. Alongside the initial findings, future probes will delve into battles from October 7 to 10, when IDF forces regained control of invaded communities and bases in southern Israel.

These internal IDF probes are distinct from planned external investigations into the army's pre-attack conduct, which remain on hold. Lt. Gen. Halevi has stated that external reviews will begin only after internal investigations are concluded.

* The Times of Israel contributed to this article.


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Hamas, Israel-Gaza War, IDF, Hostages

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IDF, Hezbollah, Hamas, Israel War

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Israel-Gaza War

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Israel-Gaza War

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IDF, Israel-Gaza war, Hamas

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Terror, explosives, West Bank Nablus

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Lebanon, Hezbollah

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Israel-Gaza War, Hostage Deal

Report: Netanyahu approves sending the Israeli delegation to negotiate a hostage deal

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