Israel-Gaza War, Hezbollah

Hezbollah death toll now at 359

Another three Hezbollah terrorists were killed in an IDF strike in Hula in southern Lebanon, putting Hezbollah's official death toll in the border war at 359.

Hussein Suweidan, one of three Hezbollah terrorists killed by the IDF. (Uncredited.)

Hezbollah officially acknowledged today (Sunday) that three of its members were killed in an IDF air strike in the Hula area in southern Lebanon. This brings the official Hezbollah death toll in the border war to 359, though the IDF believes the actual number is higher.

Tensions continue to escalate as more and more senior Israeli officials threaten general war with Hezbollah if a ceasefire acceptable to Israel is not reached.

The US has sent Hezbollah warnings that it cannot be expected to rein Israel in if it decides to go to war, and has in fact promised to provide Israel with all the security needs it may need if war is joined.

For its part, Hezbollah has refused to end its border war of projectile strikes and anti-tank launches until hostilities end in Gaza.

Hezbollah IDF Operation Swords of Iron Lebanon


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