Hezbollah war, Israel-Lebanon

This is when there will be a war with Hezbollah, according to US intelligence 

As tensions hit an all time high, with little hope of a ceasefire agreement in Gaza, and increasing rocketfire in the North, US intelligence officer delivers grim news regarding the outbreak of a war with Lebanon.

IDF soldiers preparing for war with Hezbollah. (Photo: IDF Spokesperson)

Report: Intelligence from the United States suggests that a conflict with Hezbollah may occur within the next few weeks if a ceasefire in Gaza is not achieved. The anonymous source stated that significant escalation between Israel and Hezbollah would take place causing war to break out on a broad scale.

According to Politico, American intelligence predicts a significant increase in tensions between Israel and Hezbollah in the coming weeks if a ceasefire with Hamas in Gaza is not reached. This comes amid attempts by the US to de-escalate the extremely tense situation on the North as it hangs on the brink of war with an unclear path as to what the future holds.

An unidentified senior US official stated that the likelihood of war is greater now than it has been in weeks. Authorities warn that a significant assault from one of the parties, capable of triggering a conflict, could occur unexpectedly.

According to two senior officials who spoke to Politico, when the war will break out remains uncertain, but Israel is rapidly obtaining weapons and strengthening its military forces. This comes amid travel warnings from Canada and various European countries to leave the region and depart Lebanon in the coming days. Both Hezbollah and the IDF are making military plans for offense and bringing in the ammunition needed for a full scale war.

Despite both sides suggesting that neither want to go to war, fighting has continues and efforts to de-escalate tensions and come to a peace agreement have essentially failed.

Lebanon Hezbollah Israel at war Israel-Gaza war IDF Northern border


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