Israel-Gaza War, Teenagers

Shocking: Teens dress up as terrorists and break into a home, terrifying residents | Watch 

Teens' terror prank reopens wounds in Gaza border community

Masked Palestinian protesters throw stones towards Israeli police (Photo by Sliman Khader/FLASH90 )

In a shocking incident that has rattled residents of Israel's Gaza border region, three teenagers from Kibbutz Zikim orchestrated a prank gone wrong, reopening fresh wounds from the October 7 attacks. The incident, which took place in the nearby Kibbutz Carmia, has sparked outrage and concern over the fragile state of communities still reeling from recent trauma.

According to reports from Kann News and Walla, the teens, aiming to surprise a friend whose parents were away, dressed up as masked terrorists. Armed with plastic guns and knives, they broke into the house, causing panic among its occupants. Chilling footage shows one shirtless, masked individual "cocking" a fake gun, while another brandishes a knife.

The prank quickly spiraled out of control as terrified residents, their memories of October 7 still raw, called the police. By the time authorities arrived, the teenagers had fled the scene, leaving behind a community in shock.

This incident has raised serious questions about security and sensitivity in the Gaza envelope area, parts of which remain evacuated and designated as closed military zones. Local authorities have opened an investigation into the matter, acknowledging the potential for tragedy given the heightened state of alert in the region.

The prank has also ignited a debate about the psychological impact of living under constant threat and the need for increased awareness among youth about the consequences of their actions in such a volatile environment.


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IDF, Israel-Gaza War, Fallen Soldier

Cleared for publication: Major (Res.) Itay Galea died in Gaza fighting.

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Israel-Hamas war, Gaza, IDF

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