Israel-Gaza War, IDF, Fallen soldiers

IDF names another fallen soldier, Nadav Elhanan Knoller

This tragic loss brings the total number of IDF casualties to 673 since October 7.

Nadav Elhanan Noler (Photo: Karnei Shomron Local Council)

Master Sergeant Nadav Elhanan Knoller, a reservist from Karnei Shomron serving with the 121st Battalion, 8th Brigade, was killed in action last night (Monday) during combat operations against terrorists in the Gaza Strip, as reported by Srugim. The IDF has confirmed his death, marking him as the 673rd IDF casualty since the outbreak of the current conflict.

Yonatan Kuznitz, head of the Karnei Shomron Council, announced Knoller's passing, expressing the community's profound grief. "The Karnei Shomron community mourns and grieves the fall of Master Sergeant (Res.) Nadav Elhanan Noler," Kuznitz stated. "We bow our heads and share in the deep sorrow of the dear Knoller family."

The nearby settlement of Nofei Nehemia also issued a statement, acknowledging the loss felt by one of their residents, Gilit Shtrigler, Knoller's sister. "The Nofei Nehemia community shares in the deep sorrow of our member, Gilit Shtrigler, on the fall of her brother Nadav Knoller last night in the fighting in Gaza," the statement read.

Both communities have expressed their condolences and support for the Knoller family during this difficult time.

The IDF and local communities continue to grapple with the impact of these casualties on families and the wider Israeli society.


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IDF, Israel-Gaza War, Fallen Soldier

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Israel-Gaza War

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