Israel, Hamas in Gaza, rocket attack

The IDF attacked the area where missiles were fired towards the Gaza Envelope

During the night, IDF forces attacked targets in the area from which the rocket barrage was fired at the area surrounding the Gaza Strip last night. 

Air attack (Photo: maratr/ Shutterstock)

The IDF attacked targets overnight from which rocket fire toward the Gaza envelope was launched last night, destroying a weapons warehouse and other terrorist infrastructure. In a statement, the IDF emphasized that civilians could evacuate the area before the attack.

Closing the circle: Air Force fighter jets, in coordination with Southern Command, targeted overnight targets from which the heavy rocket fire toward the Gaza envelope that was carried out last night (Monday), during which about 20 launches were fired towards the Gaza envelope settlements.

According to an IDF spokesperson, among the targets attacked were a weapons warehouse, operational apartments, and other terrorist infrastructure.

The IDF statement reiterated that "before the attacks, the IDF takes precautionary measures and allows civilians to evacuate the area in order to minimize harm to uninvolved civilians. The Hamas terror organization systematically violates international law by cynically exploiting the civilian population as a shield for terrorist operations against the State of Israel."


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Lebanon, Hezbollah

Watch: IDF strikes multiple Hezbollah targets in response to rocket barrage

Targets included the Qanatra, Rab al-Thalathine, Deir Seryan, and Tallouseh areas.

Avi Woolf | 14:55

IDF, Matan Elmaleh, Terrorism

IDF destroys the homes of the terrorists who murdered Matan Elmaleh 

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Hamas, Hostages, Israel-Gaza War

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Lebanon, Hezbollah

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Lebanon, Hezbollah

Watch: IDF strikes back after Hezbollah rocket barrage

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Lebanon, Hezbollah

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JFeed Staff | 10:29

Lebanon, Hezbollah

IDF launches wave of strikes in retaliation to Hezbollah rocket barrages

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Avi Woolf | 09:47

Israel-Gaza War

IDF eliminates dozens of terrorists in Shejaiya

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Hamas, IDF, Intelligence, Israel-Gaza War

Report: We had all the intelligence we needed to prevent October 7th.

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Hezbollah, IDF, Israel-Gaza War

Hezbollah fires huge rocket volley at Israel

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Hamas, Israel-Gaza War, Gaza Strip

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