Netanyahu hits back at Gallant: We need to speak openly about disagreements with US

People in Netanyahu's entourage responded to Gallant's statement that disagreements with the US should be handled "in house" by noting that sometimes this isn't possible.

Netanyahu and Gallant. (Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

After the Prime Minister indirectly criticized Prime Minister Netanyahu for openly airing disputes over weapons deliveries from the United States by saying that such things should be handled "in house," people in Netanyahu's entourage responded by saying that such matters need to be discussed openly.

In a statement, people close to Netanyahu said that "when disputes are not resolved for long weeks in a closed room, the Prime Minister needs to speak openly to bring our soldiers what they need - as occurred this time, as well."

Operation Swords of Iron Yoav Gallant Binyamin Netanyahu


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