Northern Front, Lebanon

Urgent warning: Depart Lebanon now!

45,000 citizens of this country were advised to immediately leave Lebanon due to the extremely volatile situation. 

Melanie Joly, the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs, issued a call to Canadian citizens in Lebanon to leave the country while they can, due to the volatile security situation.

In a statement she put out, Melanie Joly stated: "The security situation in Lebanon is becoming more and more volatile and unpredictable due to ongoing and increasing violence between Hezbollah and Israel and may deteriorate further without warning."

She continuted: "My message to Canadians has been clear since the beginning of the crisis in the Middle East: this is not the time to travel to Lebanon. And for Canadians who are currently in Lebanon, it is time to leave, while commercial flights remain available. If the armed conflict intensifies, it may affect the ability to leave the country and the ability to provide Consular services in Lebanon."

Northern border Lebanon


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IDF, Hezbollah, Hamas, Israel War

IDF: Prominent Hezbollah official killed in Israeli strike
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Lebanon, Hezbollah

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Lebanon, Hezbollah

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