Politics, Elections

Ayelet Shaked: Stay tuned for big shakeup on the right

At a Reichman University conference, Shaked said that in the event of an election, a major new rightwing party is a possibility. She also said that right and left would have to work together.

Ayelet Shaked. (Photo: Liran Vainshtain, Srugim)

Former Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked was hosted today (Thursday) at a Reichman University conference entitled "Democracy Under Fire," where she said that if elections come, a major rightwing merger may happen.

Asked about her political future, the former minister said that "there isn't elections yet. Everyone who was mentioned here - Gideon Saar, Liberman, Bennet, we're all on very good terms, we were senior ministers for a while, we know to work with one another."

Shaked did clarify that "Ideologically, we have roughly the same ideological identity and there may be some big merger but right now there's no elections, yet. Everyone's speaking to everyone, there's nothing special or new. Everyone's worried about the state of the country - security-wise, socially, economically."

She said that "the right thing for the State of Israel is a broad unity government, with the majority of centrist Zionist parties in the middle, a government which will not rely on fringe parties, this is what is right for the State of Israel at this time, and I hope this is the government which will emerge when there will be elections."

Shaked says she "doesn't know" about joining the Likud party, noting that "I am a politician who belongs to the right, I think that after the elections the right and left camp need to cooperate because there are very important things on the agenda which 80% of the population agrees with and we need to work on. I see myself as the leader of the citizens of Israel. When I worked as a minister, I served all the citizens of Israel."

Politics Ayelet Shaked Binyamin Netanyahu


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