
Politics, Crime
Smoke grenade found in planned protest area near PM residence

During security sweeps in the area of the Prime Minister's Residence in preparation for planned protests in the area, police officers found a grenade with a fuse.

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 27.06.24

Politics, Elections

Ayelet Shaked: Stay tuned for big shakeup on the right

At a Reichman University conference, Shaked said that in the event of an election, a major new rightwing party is a possibility. She also said that right and left would have to work together.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 20.06.24

Israel-Gaza War, Politics

Channel 14 poll: 16% of Gantz voters reconsidering voting for Gantz due to breakup of unity government

Meanwhile, 42% intend to keep voting for him, 35% never voted for him in the first place, and 8% are undecided.

Avi Woolf | 10.06.24


Former Foreign Minister David Levy dies at 86

The former carpenter from the northern city of Beit She'an rose to political prominence to serve as Foreign Minister and Deputy Foreign Minister.

Simcha Raz, JFeed Staff | 02.06.24


New Maariv Poll: Gantz dropping, Lapid rising

Most other parties remain stable, including Likud.

Avi Woolf | 13.04.24

Israel-Gaza War, Politics

Channel 12 Poll: Gantz reaches low thirties, Netanyahu coalition recovering slightly

The poll also found neither Smotrich's nor Sa'ar's party passing the electoral threshold.

Avi Woolf | 07.04.24