Israel-Gaza War

Yair Netanyahu cries "Treason" against court decision to suspend investigation of October 7 failures

Yair Netanyahu respond to the Supreme Court’s interim order instructing the State Comptroller to temporarily suspend his probe into the military and Shin Bet failings relating to October 7.

Yair Netanyahu arrives for a court hearing in the defamation lawsuit filed by former MK Stav Shafir in Tel Aviv, on November 29, 2022. (Photo by Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90)

Yair Netanyahu, son of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, continues to stir controversy with his outspoken criticism and provocative social media posts amid Israel's prolonged conflict.

Last Friday, he shared a video branding top Israeli security officials Chief of Staff Hertzi Halevi, Shin Bet Chief Ronan Bar, and Military Intelligence Chief Aharon Haliva as "three fatal failures."

As reported on the Times of Israel, he was also extremely critical of the High Court’s recent interim order for the state comptroller to suspend any aspects of his probe into the failings relating to October 7.

On Instagram he posted, "[Why are] they are so afraid that external and independent parties will investigate what happened? To this day, no answer has been given for why they didn't inform the Prime Minister about the discussion the night before October 7. Why didn't they update him about the material revealed in the 'Walls of Jericho' intelligence report? Why did the heads of the army and intelligence claim all along that Hamas was deterred? Where was the Air Force on October 7?"

This latest incident follows a pattern of incendiary remarks from Yair Netanyahu, who has been vocal about perceived shortcomings in Israel's defense strategy.

Notably, Yair Netanyahu relocated to Florida last year amidst pressure from his family to cease his social media activities and refrain from direct communication with Israeli lawmakers and ministers. This move came amid accusations that his online presence was exacerbating diplomatic rifts, particularly with the United States.

Critics have also pointed out Yair's decision to stay abroad during the outbreak of war, contrasting it with the tens of thousands of Israelis who answered the call to join over 300,000 reservists mobilized in response to the conflict. His absence has drawn criticism for perceived disconnect and lack of solidarity with fellow citizens during a national crisis.

In a time when national unity is critical in Israel, Yair Netanyahu knows exactly what not to say, and says it anyway.

Israel-Gaza war Binyamin Netanyahu Yair Netanyahu October 7th


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