Yair Netanyahu

Israel-Gaza War
Yair Netanyahu cries "Treason" against court decision to suspend investigation of October 7 failures

Yair Netanyahu respond to the Supreme Court’s interim order instructing the State Comptroller to temporarily suspend his probe into the military and Shin Bet failings relating to October 7.

Gila Isaacson | 17.06.24

Yair Netanyahu Lost

Yair Netanyahu lost the defamation lawsuit: how much will he pay?

Yair Netanyahu will compensate Dana Kashdi after he posted tweets on Twitter that portrayed an intimate relationship between her and Benny Gantz. The court stated: "shocking and outrageous statements"

JFeed | 30.08.23

Vaturi Criticizes Yair Netanyahu

The Likud MK against Yair Netanyahu: "Causes damage to the Prime Minister"

MK Nissim Vaturi strongly criticized Yair Netanyahu for the post he shared on his Twitter page in which harsh words were written about the IDF Chief of Staff. According to him: "He is causing damage to his father and to the Likud movement"

JFeed | 17.08.23

Gottlieb Criticizes Netanyahu

The MK against Netanyahu: "What are you apologizing for?"

MK Tali Gottlieb harshly criticizes Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's expression of support for the Chief of Staff following Yair Netanyahu's attack against him. According to her, "The same Chief of Staff who, in silence, approved insubordination"

Liran Vainshtain, Srugim News | 16.08.23