Israel-Gaza War

Report: Sinwar encountering opposition from other Hamas leaders

Messages sent by Sinwar to Arab leaders reveal his intent to continue the war with the aim of isolating Israel. However, his stance is running into opposition from the political leadership.

Yahya Sinwar. (Photo: Attia Muhammed/Flash90)

According to the Wall Street Journal, Yahya Sinwar, leader of Hamas in Israel, is interested in continuing the fight, since he believes it worsens Israel's international standing and is leading to its isolation, alongside increased calls for a Palestinian state.

Sinwar's stance was revealed from messages he sent some Arab leaders.

Sinwar does appear to be opposed by the political leaders of Hamas who reside outside the country. They are interested in an end to the war on condition that the agreement ensures Hamas' survival in the Gaza Strip and an enduring role within it.

Yahya Sinwar Hostage Deal Hamas Operation Swords of Iron IDF


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