Ramadan, Temple Mount

Netanyahu: Freedom of worship will be maintained on Temple Mount during Ramadan, in numbers comparable to previous years

The Prime Minister and the government thus rejected National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir's efforts to restrict or bar Muslim entry to the Temple Mount altogether.

Temple Mount. (Photo: Jamal Awad/Flash90)

The Prime Minister issued a statement today (Tuesday) that freedom of worship would be protected on the Temple Mount, and that Muslims would be allowed to pray there during Ramadan "similar to the numbers in previous years."

The one caveat was that "a weekly assessment of the security and safety aspects will be held; a decision will be made accordingly."

Netanyahu thus rejected the advice of National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, who sought to limit the number of worshippers on the Temple Mount for fear of terrorist agitation or violence. Ben Gvir posted on X/Twitter that "Hamas celebrations on the Temple Mount =/= A Total Victory."

Meanwhile, Israeli Arab leader and Ra'am party chairman Mansour Abbas welcomed the decision, calling on all who pray to "preserve public law and order."

The Temple Mount Ramadan Israeli Arabs Muslims Binyamin Netanyahu Itamar Ben Gvir Mansour Abbas


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